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PreK-12th Grade
Our Values
To raise up a generation with biblically established values and principles with the purpose of each student to understand that God is sovereign, the creator, the founder, and the author of all existence.
We want to welcome you to DBLCCS! Our entire staff counts it a privilege to have you join us in working together to make Dreaming Big Learning Center & Christian School a place that will exalt Jesus Christ and honor His Word.
During the school year many spiritual, educational and social opportunities will be available to you. Please take advantage of as many offerings as possible so that your time at DBLCCS will be challenging, worthwhile, fulfilling, and long remembered. Seek the Lord’s wisdom in setting goals and His help in accomplishing those goals. The DBLCCS Staff and Administration are committed to helping you in any way possible.
Our team of caring certified teachers and staff are dedicated in creating a fun and safe learning environment to help your child excel in their growth and development skills. With our small class sizes, our child to teacher ratio stays low so we can pay individualized attention to your child’s unique learning and social skills. We specialize in early childhood care in small classroom settings which offer a high teacher to student ratio.
- Faith
- Acceptance
- Family
- Identity
Through the simple language and real experiences of grace and Jesus’s love, we will teach our students to enjoy learning in a safe and secure environment. Our vision is to lead each student to be an active participant while contributing to their own learning process in which they are a priority. While us as educators will show the seed of love in their hearts.
Get Ready!
Get Ready!
Preschool - VPK
Top- Royal Blue with School Logo.
Bottom – Black or Navy Uniform pants, shorts, skirts
Shoes – Closed toe sneakers.
Elementary & Middle Christian School
All uniform shirts must have school logo, which can be purchased at
You Apply
Fill the admissions application forms with accurate info.
After the application form is completely filled proof of payment through Zelle is required before submitting the entire form.
You Get Ready
Once you’ve completed your application
Report Card
We will use ThinkWave to share report cards assignments, results, attendance, and files.
Tuition & Fees
This new plan is designed to reduce the average cost of a Make School Education while preserving the core protections of ISAs – if you don’t have a job after Make School, you should not have to pay until you are employed.
Tuition Costs,
- Fall 2020 $15,000
- Spring 2021 $15,000
- Summer 2021 $10,000
- Fall 2021 $15,000
- Spring 2022 $15,000
$ 75,000
Tuition Costs,
- Fall 2021 $10,000
- Spring 2021 $10,000
- Summer 2022 $15,000
- Fall 2022 $25,000
- Spring 2023 $25,000
$ 85,000
Our students create a vibrant and inclusive community
News & Events
The Campus Experience
At Kempbelle University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills, build a network of industry contacts, and gain real-world experience. You’ll have the opportunity to generate innovative design and business solutions.
🇺🇸🎆 Happy 4th of July!
As we celebrate this day of freedom and independence, we reflect on the values that unite us as a nation.
At Dreaming Big Learning Center & Christian School, we are committed to nurturing our students' love for learning and faith, teaching them to appreciate the blessings of liberty and the responsibilities it brings.
May God bless America and our wonderful school community!
#4thOfJuly #IndependenceDay #FreedomAndFaith #DreamingBig #BlessedNation #ChristianValues #LibertyAndLearning
🇺🇸🎆 ¡Feliz 4 de julio!
Al celebrar este día de libertad e independencia, reflexionamos sobre los valores que nos unen como nación.
En Dreaming Big Learning Center & Christian School, estamos comprometidos a fomentar el amor por el aprendizaje y la fe en nuestros estudiantes, enseñándoles a apreciar las bendiciones de la libertad y las responsabilidades que conlleva.
¡Que Dios bendiga a América y a nuestra maravillosa comunidad escolar!
#4deJulio #DíaDeLaIndependencia #LibertadYFe #SoñandoEnGrande #NaciónBendecida #ValoresCristianos #LibertadYAprendizaje ... See MoreSee Less
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Have a blessed and safe holiday! 🙏🏽
Our middle and high schoolers are diving deep into science with hands-on animal dissection during class! 🔬🐸
This educational practice helps them understand anatomy, develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and critical thinking. Watching their curiosity and learning about God’s creation is incredible!
📣 Enrollment is now open for the 2024-2025 school year! Join our vibrant learning community. Register here: dreamingbigcenter.com
#ScienceClass #AnimalDissection #HandsOnLearning #FutureScientists #CriticalThinking
¡Nuestros estudiantes de intermedia y superior sumergiéndose en la ciencia con prácticas de disección de animales en clase! 🔬🐸
Esta práctica educativa les ayuda a comprender la anatomía, desarrollar habilidades motoras finas, la coordinación ojo-mano y el pensamiento crítico. ¡Es increíble ver cómo crecen su curiosidad y aprendizaje de la creación de Dios!
📣 ¡Las inscripciones para el año escolar 2024-2025 ya están abiertas! Únete a nuestra vibrante comunidad educativa. Regístrate aquí: dreamingbigcenter.com
#ClaseDeCiencias #DisecciónDeAnimales #AprendizajePráctico #FuturosCientíficos #PensamientoCrítico ... See MoreSee Less
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💦☀️ After these hot Central Florida days, our campers enjoyed a much-needed water day! Splashing around, cooling off, and having a blast—what a perfect way to beat the heat! Check out these joyful moments of fun and laughter - summer camp is the best!
📣 Summer camp is still running until July 26th! Leave us a review and get $10 OFF registration here: go.climbo.com/dreaming-big-learning-center
#WaterDay #SummerCampFun #beattheheat #centralflorida #cooloff #HappyCampers #dreamingbig #SplashingGoodTime ##summervıbe
💦☀️ ¡Después de estos calurosos días en Florida Central, nuestros campistas disfrutaron de un día de agua muy necesario! Chapoteando, refrescándose y divirtiéndose a lo grande—¡una manera perfecta de combatir el calor! Mira estos momentos de alegría y risas - ¡es lo mejor!
📣 ¡El campamento de verano seguirá hasta el 26 de julio! Déjanos una reseña y obtén $10 de descuento en la inscripción aquí: go.climbo.com/dreaming-big-learning-center
#díadeagu #diversiónenelcampamentodeveran #combatiendoelcalor #floridacentral #refrescándos #campistasfelices #soñandoengrand #DiversiónEnElAgu #vibrasdeverano ... See MoreSee Less
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Sweet smiles and delicious times! 🍫😄
Our campers had a blast mixing up brownie batter during our baking project at summer camp. This hands-on activity not only taught them about measuring and mixing but also brought a lot of joy and teamwork to the kitchen. Check out these happy faces as they prepare some tasty treats! 🍴👩🍳👨🍳
#summercamp #bakingfun #BrownieBatter #HappyCampers #handsonlearning #cookingwithkids #sweetmemories #dreamingbiglearningcenter
¡Sonrisas dulces y momentos deliciosos! 🍫😄
Nuestros campistas se divirtieron muchísimo mezclando masa para brownies durante nuestro proyecto de repostería en el campamento de verano. Esta actividad práctica no solo les enseñó sobre medir y mezclar, sino que también trajo mucha alegría y trabajo en equipo a la cocina. ¡Mira estas caras felices mientras preparan deliciosos bocadillos! 🍴👩🍳👨🍳
#campamentodeverano #DiversiónEnLaCocin #masadebrownie #campistasfelices #AprendizajePráctic #cocinandoconniño #RecuerdosDulces #soñandoengrand #trabajoenequipo ... See MoreSee Less
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Yum! 😋
☁️✨ Our campers had a blast making and playing with cloud dough!
Cloud dough is a soft, moldable mixture made from cornstarch, hair conditioner and food coloring, providing a fun and sensory-rich experience. This hands-on activity not only sparks creativity but also helps develop fine motor skills and sensory processing. It's a perfect blend of learning and fun! Check out these happy faces as they explore and create with their homemade cloud dough.#clouddoughD#SummerCampFunm#sensoryplayy#creativelearningr#finemotorskillsk#dreamingbign#handsonlearningr#HappyCampersmpers
☁️✨ ¡Nuestros campistas se divirtieron mucho haciendo y jugando con masa de nubes!
La masa de nubes es una mezcla suave y moldeable hecha de maicena, acondicionador de cabello y colorante alimentario, que proporciona una experiencia divertida y sensorial. Esta actividad práctica no solo despierta la creatividad, sino que también ayuda a desarrollar habilidades motoras finas y procesamiento sensorial. ¡Es una combinación perfecta de aprendizaje y diversión! Mira estas caras felices mientras exploran y crean con su masa de nubes casera.#masadenubesN#diversiónenelcampamentodeverane#juegosensorialo#AprendizajeCreativoa#habilidadesmotorasfinasF#soñandoengrandr#AprendizajePrácticc#campistasfeliceslices ... See MoreSee Less
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🌞🎨 "Let the colors of the solstice shine through your fingertips!"
On this first day of summer, our kiddos are diving into hand painting art. Using their hands to create art not only sparks creativity but also aids in brain development. This tactile experience enhances fine motor skills, sensory awareness, and cognitive growth. Watching them express themselves with such joy is truly heartwarming! 🌈🖐️
#FirstDayOfSummer #JuneSolstice #HandPainting #CreativeKids #BrainDevelopment #SensoryPlay #FineMotorSkills #DreamingBig #ArtWithHeart
🌞🎨 "¡Deja que los colores del solsticio brillen a través de tus dedos!"
En este primer día de verano, nuestros pequeños están sumergidos en el arte de pintar con las manos. Usar sus manos para crear arte no solo despierta la creatividad, sino que también ayuda al desarrollo del cerebro. Esta experiencia táctil mejora las habilidades motoras finas, la conciencia sensorial y el crecimiento cognitivo. ¡Verlos expresarse con tanta alegría es realmente conmovedor! 🌈🖐️
#PrimerDíaDeVerano #SolsticioDeJunio #PinturaConLasManos #NiñosCreativos #DesarrolloCerebral #JuegoSensorial #HabilidadesMotorasFinas #SoñandoEnGrande #ArteConCorazón ... See MoreSee Less
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Our summer camp is all about fun and growth! 🌞🏃♂️🏃♀️
Check out our campers playing an exciting outdoor game in teams, developing their teamwork and competitive spirit. Just like Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says, "Two are better than one...for if they fall, one will lift up his companion." Our campers are learning the value of teamwork and the strength that comes from supporting each other. 🙌❤️
#SummerCamp #Teamwork #CompetitiveSpirit #Ecclesiastes4912 #FaithInAction #DreamingBig #OutdoorFun #buildingfriendships
¡Nuestro campamento de verano se trata de diversión y crecimiento! 🌞🏃♂️🏃♀️
Mira a nuestros campistas jugando un emocionante juego al aire libre en equipos, desarrollando su espíritu de equipo y competitivo. Tal como dice Eclesiastés 4:9-12, "Mejores son dos que uno... porque si caen, el uno levantará a su compañero." Nuestros campistas están aprendiendo el valor del trabajo en equipo y la fuerza que viene de apoyarse mutuamente. 🙌❤️
#CampamentoDeVerano #TrabajoEnEquipo #EspírituCompetitivo #Eclesiastés4912 #FeEnAcción #SoñandoEnGrande #DiversiónAlAireLibre #ConstruyendoAmistades ... See MoreSee Less
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These are so much fun! I miss being a kid 🥲
Our summer camp just got a whole lot more creative with our recent robot-building activity! 🤖
Campers unleashed their imaginations, using cardboard, scissors, markers, paint, glue, glitter, and colored paper to craft their own unique robots. It was amazing to see the joy on their faces as they showcased their colorful creations. This fun activity not only promoted creativity but also helped develop fine and gross motor skills. Great job, future engineers! 🛠️🎨
#SummerCampFun #robotbuilding #creativekids #handsonlearning #finemotorskills #grossmotorskills #dreamingbig #FutureEngineers #CraftingJoy
¡Nuestro campamento de verano se volvió mucho más creativo con nuestra reciente actividad de construcción de robots! 🤖
Los campistas desataron su imaginación, usando cartón, tijeras, marcadores, pintura, pegamento, brillo y papel de colores para crear sus propios robots únicos. Fue increíble ver la alegría en sus rostros mientras mostraban sus coloridas creaciones. Esta divertida actividad no solo promovió la creatividad, sino que también ayudó a desarrollar habilidades motoras finas y gruesas. ¡Gran trabajo, futuros ingenieros! 🛠️🎨
#diversiónenelcampamentodeveran #construcciónderobot #niñoscreativo #AprendizajePráctic #Habilidadesmotorasfinasygruesas #soñandoengrand #FuturosIngenieros #alegríaartesana ... See MoreSee Less
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Gracias Dios por estas Buenas Enceñansa mi Señor Jesús les Continúe Bendiciendo
Whattt? that's awesome! My favorite kind of activities. Have 😊 fun.